Work on OnlyFans or Cam Girl?

cam girls

Both ways are pretty attractive for most hot girls who would love to start xxx modelling. But have you ever wondered if you should jump into the OnlyFans wave or become a cam girl instead? Both have perks and pitfalls. Everyone has seen those viral success stories on social media….

Men’s view on how many dates before sex

fun date

I know – girls worry. Oh, not have sex too early! Oh, not to tighten – and that will be disappointed and will merge. And when in time? Long ago it was convinced – the woman solves at once. Saw and – oops, something clicked. No, she does not speak…

10 reasons to be happy that to you are 30+ and single

morning girl with coffe

Our columnist gave such arguments with which you will not argue! Having had heard plenty of complaints of the lonely and beautiful 30-year-old girlfriends, I outright became sad. I too fine (and, as you can see, very modest!) and definitely unmarried. After long and full gloomy thoughts of reflections I…

5 types of women who never marry


Practically each woman wants in marriage. And even if she does not speak about it, then all the same wants. However, in the modern world this rule needs adjustment. Values Freedom Very often the marriage is associated with some restrictions: any self-development, any yoga, any meetings with girlfriends, travel and…

How feminism influenced fashion

The feminism in fashion is not “women removed corsets”, and not Coco Chanel as it is accepted to think was the main feminist at all. The journalist tells about what prepared revolution in fashion of the end of the 80th and that changed since then. And also, about why modern…